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Para-surfing, a sport that enables individuals with physical disabilities to ride the waves, has been gaining popularity in recent years. However, despite its growing popularity and the incredible skill and determination of its athletes, para-surfing has been overlooked for inclusion in the Paralympic Games.

In a recent decision, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) announced that para-surfing would not be included in the program for the 2028 Paralympic Games in Los Angeles. This decision has sparked outrage among advocates for the sport, who believe that para-surfing deserves a place in the Paralympics.

Advocates argue that para-surfing is a challenging and competitive sport that showcases the strength, skill, and determination of individuals with disabilities. They point to the incredible feats of para-surfers who are able to ride the waves and perform tricks despite their physical limitations.

In addition, advocates argue that including para-surfing in the Paralympics would help to raise awareness about the sport and provide more opportunities for individuals with disabilities to participate in competitive sports. They believe that para-surfing has the potential to inspire and empower individuals with disabilities around the world.

Despite the disappointment of not being included in the 2028 Paralympics, advocates are not giving up on their goal of seeing para-surfing become a part of the Paralympic Games. They are continuing to push for the sport to be included in future Paralympic Games and are calling on the IPC to reconsider their decision.

In the meantime, para-surfers are continuing to train and compete in various competitions around the world, showcasing their talent and passion for the sport. They are determined to prove that para-surfing deserves a place in the Paralympics and are hopeful that their efforts will eventually pay off.

Ultimately, the inclusion of para-surfing in the Paralympics would be a significant step forward in promoting inclusivity and diversity in sports. Advocates are committed to fighting for the recognition and respect that para-surfing deserves, and are hopeful that their efforts will lead to the sport being included in future Paralympic Games.